We should do this...
www.slashdot.org is a news web site.
It is not, however, a news web site in the traditional sense. It does not host any of its own news but provides a bunch of links to various news sites on the internet.
Not only that, but these links are put there by the community. The way it works it that a community of people are registered as "submitters". These people regularly submit candidate links for inclusion on the slashdot site. Then a comitte of people sift through all the submissions and the ones that are deemed worthy are then placed on slash dot for the greater community to view.
I think it would be a good idea for the christian community to do something similar. The result would be a central which would provide a source of all the good edifying stuff out there, from news and reviews to featured articles to just about anything interesting.
Anyone know of something like this already?
Anyone know of a site willing to host something like this?
Slashdot is in fact so popular that very often the web sites on slash dot are not available because they cannot handle the sudden surge in traffic. In other words, it works.
This is a very cool idea. I find myself going to all sorts of web sites all the time to see if anything interesting might be on them. A central place for posting links and then a facility for people to comment would be great for promoting interesting discussion.
I'm not sure where you could host it, or if there is software that has this functionality built in or whether you would need to develop the site, but the concept is great. I would be interested in helping out in some way.
pretty sure that there must be open source software that will do it. I mean slashdot must use open source software surely. It would be sacrilege if it wasn't!
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